Sensitive vs insensitive

20 Apr

I was born as an ignorant insensitive child, and i think none of other people’s business is mine. This kind of character is also implied to my brothers. I do not know whether it is genes issue or the way our parents raise us. Well, this post is getting nowhere. So basically what i am trying to say here that, ignorant people are most likely appeared as party which is stronger than the sensitive one. Therefore, we usually become the one that protect or are forced to understand the more-sensitive party.

Imho, that is unfair. Not because you are more sensitive, we have to please, take care of your emotion, and shit like that. Not because we are appeared like we have no emotion, we do not have it. Sometimes that sensitive party is too egoistic, needy, too attention-whore and blablabla.

Well, i guess i have to stop here.

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